Sunday, September 28, 2008


There is a cartoon I remember, one of those simple cartoons of decades ago. A character finds "a loose thread" on another character and begins to pull it. First is unravels the other characters clothes. Then the body starts unraveling in one continuous thread. In the end, there is nothing but a thread -- the character is no longer there.

I like to think of the last end of the thread as the "starting point" of the character. Rather than a physical point, I think each person has a point which might be called the intellectual center. If we trace all ideas, all thoughts back logically, we come to that point.

For me that point is the oneness of God.

Since I was educated as a scientist, and since the first educators were a priest and a nun, I have a seamless understanding of creation. There is no boundary between science and faith.

As a result I integrate my method of science with that of pursuing faith. Hence the idea of using a tour in space and welding it to one in time.

Let us start the journey in the next entry.

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